
Argentina: High yields expected for maize and soyabeans. Maize acreage significantly expanded.
CropRadar from Kleffmann Digital RS has measured the areas under maize and soybean cultivation in Argentina by satellite.

Rapeseed flowers significantly earlier than in 2023
Satellite monitoring shows vegetation in full swing. Moist soils coupled with high temperatures led to an early start of the rapeseed flowering this year.

Significant decline in winter cereals acreage in Germany, down by over 6%
CropRadar has measured winter cereal acreage by satellite: With an area of 4,739,667 ha, winter cereal cultivation in Germany has fallen below the 5 million mark.

Rapseed acreage in Europe 2024
After a record year for rapeseed cultivation CropRadar has recorded an overall decline in acreage in Europe this year.

Potato Harvest in Germany
News Potato harvest in Germany Satellite-based observations reveal that the potato acreage for 2023 remains quite consistent with that of the previous year, only showing

Ukraine’s Sunflower Area
News Ukraine’s sunflower area surpasses five-year average CropRadar identifies Ukraine’s sunflower harvestable area as surpassing the IPAD/USDA’s five-year average (2018/19 – 2022/23: 6,540,000 ha) by

Ukraine Maize Cultivation
News Winter oilseed rape and cereal harvest have not yet been completed across Europe The next step will be the maize harvest, which is expected

Winter barley in Germany and Poland
News The winter barley harvest has begun in Europe Harvesting of winter cereals, particularly winter barley, has already begun across Europe. CropRadar yield forecasts predicted

Winter Oilseed Rape growth rises above the 5-year average
CropRadar results confirm our forecast for rapeseed acreage in the EU-27 this year.

Soybean cultivation in Austria at record level
CropRadar has measured a cultivated area of more than 90,000 ha in Austria for 2022.

Europe rapeseed harvest forecast at 5-year high in 2022
One reason for this is the increased cultivation area. In many countries, acreage for the 2022 harvest has increased by well over 10%.

Maize cultivation in Argentina
More than 7 million hectares of maize were cultivated in the fields.